Trauma Bonding: What It Really Is & How to Avoid It healing from painful relationships red flags toxic relationships Aug 15, 2024


The phrase trauma bonding has become popular with the rise of awareness around narcissism, yet often I hear people referring to trauma bonding in the wrong way. It is spoken of as an...

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9 Things I Learned After My Toxic Relationship bre's personal journal toxic relationships Oct 20, 2023


Towards the end of my toxic relationship I was in a fog. Hopeless, anxious, and unsure what was even real (aside from the very real shame and confusion I felt).


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3 Red Flags in a Toxic Relationship article red flags toxic relationships Oct 10, 2023


Not sure if your relationship has red flags? Or maybe you are feeling the tingle inside that something isn't quite right in your relationship, but you aren't sure what it all means. 


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